On My Way to Growth Mindset.

Mahnoor Naveed
2 min readDec 26, 2020

Growth Mindset refers to your belief that you can achieve your motive by practising and hard work. Our efforts will pay and we can achieve our desire goals.

There’s no Impossible It’s I M POSSIBLE

It is not necessary to have someone all the time to motivate you.
We need to support our self by doing small practices.

We need to self talk to our self and said
“You can do it.”
“You are amazing.”
“You are super strong.”

My tip:
We can also do this by doing power poses.
Make a power pose close your eyes and self-talk: You have achieved that You can do this you are celebrating your success.

Power Poses

Let’s break the line and come out of my comfort zone
If you think everything is going great and there are no failures, This means you are not coming out of your comfort zone, and not giving your best. Try to come out of your comfort zone to take some challenges. YOU ARE FACING FAILURES MEANS YOU ARE PROGRESSING

What I am Going To Start?
For celebrating my self I am going to list down my daily learnings and achievements that are going to motivate me whenever I feel low.

let’s celebrate



Mahnoor Naveed

I'm a frontend developer, love to explore tech👩‍💻